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ROACC Scholarship Fund

Chamber Scholarship
This year, the Red Oak Area Chamber's Scholarship Program turns 21-years-old and has contributed over $90,000 in scholarships to local seniors since its establishment. In 2023, the ROACC was able to give out $18,000 in scholarships to Red Oak High School Seniors as well as Life High School Seniors. Throughout the year, the ROACC welcomes donations for this fund and also generates funds by hosting some of their large events, such as the annual ROACC Chamber Classic Golf Tournament.

2023 ROACC Scholarship Fund Recipients

Life High School

2023 ROACC Scholarship Fund Recipients

Red Oak High School
CJ 2018
EH 2016
ES 2019
KB 2018
ML 2019
MK 2010

To donate, please drop off a check made out to the "ROACC Scholarship Fund" to the ROACC office OR by mail to PO Box 2098 Red Oak TX 75154. 

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